1 Stay Safe in Public: The Best Electroshock Weapons for Self Defense
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Generally, a major advantage of carrying a taser over pepper spray for personal safety is its longer effective range. You can protect yourself from a greater distance with a taser, thanks to its advanced taser technology. In a range comparison, pepper spray typically has a maximum effective range of 6-8 feet, whereas a taser can incapacitate an attacker - non-lethal self-defense options from up to 15 feet away. This increased distance gives you a significant advantage in a self-defense situation, allowing you to neutralize a threat before it gets too clo

SelfSecure’s electroshock collection Your safety is paramount, and that’s why stun guns are designed to disable attackers without causing permanent harm. Electroshock weapons. When you use a stun gun, you’re not trying to inflict long-term damage